Senin, 15 Agustus 2016

Jasa Service Sofa Di bandung

Services Sofa In Bandung

wijaya sofa workshop service chair / sofa that stood in the city of Bandung with a lot of experience in service sofa in Bandung we dare to offer repair services sofa in doing the builders who are professional in terms of jobs is certainly neat and warranty, if the sofa you want in reparations because it was bored or shredded material because in the meal which is too long, please contact us ready to come into a solution for service sofa bandung.

Bandung sofa matter of workmanship service we offer on-site / workshoop wijaya sofa, if you want in forging / your house because you want to see the work we were able to come and bring the equipment service sofa.

We will explain more about the service service sofa bandung although previously we have already explained.
  1. service service sofa Bandung
  2. replace the leather fabric sofa
  3. added foam / rubber tire dressing
  4. fox sofa models
  5. to make new sofa
  6. plitur wooden chairs / dresser / desk

we also provide service only tida sofa Bandung but we also supply local ingredients and imported, because why maybe with your busy work so you give no time for shopping bnahan sofa, then we are here and ready to help you, these materials including:
  • regency
  • hikaron
  • ateja
  • material salur
  • florals
  • latest materials

wait no more, you just contact us and we will bring samples of materials to choose for service sofa and g will da kerguan because we are in:
kulon Cisaranten street gang. H mansyur Rt / Rw 02/07 Arcamanik, Bandung
and ou can call the contact that is already available ..

Our wijaya sofa sofa not only provide service for guests, service dining chair, wooden chair service, service minimalist sofa, service corner sofa, sofa bed service we also provide service of office chair in Bandung.

not only local but regional Bandung Bekasi, Cikarang, Jakarta we have ever been served regions / large cities as we have already mentioned, when it comes to outside the area do not get confused because we have peer service sofa.

Our wijaya sofa to thank who have visited us and have been using our services
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